
Category: Astro Remedies

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Astro-logical point of view

" Speaking scientifically all planets are made up of basically rocks n gases .......how does rocks n gases affect the destiny of people ? if we say reflected lights from the planets and vibrations affect us..but the the reflected lights n vibrations come from planets which are themselves very far from us .. plz explain scientifically n astrologically "
Let's take the issue step by step.. first Astrology is with Reference to Plantery influence on Human bring because we are part of Nature and Plantery motion affects Nature and we are also get the Influence..How we are part of Nature? The Earth temp100,we..98.6, Earth goes back 1 deg. in 72 years..our pluse is 72 in one minute..the Salt content in the Sea water is same proportion as in our Blood, Every 11 years there are Sun spot activity and there are increased Heart problems...This Study of Stars is Astrology...This is one side..the other side is Jyotish which is based on ones Karmpal from previous Birth which is indicated by the planets like X-ray showing the Broken bone..the X-ray did not break it..That's reason same planet give different Results.. Astrology..is Scientific and Jyotish is Philosophy...... Whether one believes or not it just Happens... Gemini Sign represents USA...the second Dreshkan of Gemini is FIGHTING EAGLE....You know the Symbol of USA. Be blessed.
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